A blog with so much more than blogs
With the creation of my new website I’ve decided to take a different approach to the blog area and the kind of posts you’ll find here. Instead of separate pages for client testimonials and project examples, I wanted to include them here as posts. This way they can be posted here in real time and the blog can have a good variety of types of posts available. I also wanted to showcase some of the blog posts that I have created for clients to demonstrate the various topics that I write about as well as prove that even when my own blog is seeming a little neglected, I really am still busy writing blogs every week for somebody! And of course, the blog area will still feature my own blogs.
All these different posts will appear in the blog timeline so you will see them in the order in which they’ve been posted. If you would like to view just one type of post such as testimonials or client blogs for example, you simply select the relevant category in the right hand sidebar and that will display everything posted under that heading.
I also have a blog feed on my home page which displays the latest in each category.
I’m still in the process of creating new content for some categories. Hopefully this variety on the blog will help to give you a flavour of the kind of work that I do and perhaps that I could do for your business.
Blog | Client Blogs | Projects | Testimonials
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