Spread a bit of seasonal cheer by wishing your clients, suppliers, colleagues and networking buddies a very merry Christmas without leaving the office, buying cards or licking a single stamp!
It’s always a positive thing to keep in touch with people: it’s a ‘nice to do’ but there’s also a genuine marketing advantage to maintaining a presence on your contacts’ radars and demonstrating that you value their business or their contribution.
This year, rather than sending cards why not consider an e-greeting? It’s much cheaper – consider the cost of cards plus postage (could easily run into £200+); it’s easier – no writing out envelopes, no sticking stamps, no writing greetings, no having to get everyone in the office to sign it; it’s much better for the planet and it goes directly into your recipients’ inboxes.
But it’s got to look professional, right? It still needs to be consistent with your brand and it needs a bit more effort than just sending an e-mail to your entire database.
How would you like to send a professional looking e-greeting, personally addressed to each recipient and complete with your own message to up to 500 contacts for just £125.00? You can even add music for an extra £25.00! It couldn’t be easier. Simply supply your contacts as an Excel spreadsheet and your wording and we’ll do the rest. If you want some creative input on your message we can even do that for you for you*. We will select an appropriate seasonal image for your organisation and send it on your chosen date.
Use the opportunity to reinforce your products or services, communicate any special offers you have or inform people of your Christmas opening hours. Hey, you could even just say Happy Christmas! Here are a couple of examples of e-greetings we created last year.
Do your bit for charity
Christmas cards have always been a major source of income for charities and many are reporting a significant reduction this year due to people cutting back and opting for electronic solutions. Therefore we will be donating £5 from every e-greeting this year to Cancer Research UK so you can still do your bit.
Get in touch now and spread the cheer!
* For an additional £25.00.
Prices are subject to VAT
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